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I have diabetes. Can I go offshore?

If you use insulin (either for Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes):

  •  Although not barred from offshore, there are specific stipulations in the OGUK medical guidelines.
  • The doctor would need to obtain a medical report from either your GP or diabetic specialist. A pro forma of the diabetes report can be obtained from us. Please contact Thistle Occupational Health.
  • You will need to provide the names of the installations you will be deployed to. and the name of their Medical Advisor
  • If the medical report is satisfactory, the examining doctor will contact the Medical Advisor of the installation for clearance
  • If approval is granted, you will be issued with a certificate restricted to the approved installation.
  • This process will need to be repeated for every different operator you intend to travel to.
  • Unfortunately, if you do not have the names of the installations you will be travelling to, we are unable to proceed with the medical clearance process and a valid OGUK certificate cannot be issued as a result.

    If your diabetes is controlled with medications or diet: (to be realigned)

    • We would require a medical report from your GP to confirm that your diabetes is well-controlled. Please bring along a copy of your HbA1c result or contact Thistle Occupational Health for a copy of the diabetes pro forma with the information required.
    Epilepsy/ seizure and offshore work
    • Having a diagnosis of epilepsy or a history of seizure is not barred from offshore work.
    • However, there are certain stipulations in the OGUK guidelines depending on the nature of your job. If you wish to discuss further prior to your medical, please contact Thistle Occupational Health.

      I am clinically obese or have a high BMI (body mass index). Can I go offshore?
      • Individuals with a BMI greater than 40 (some operators have a lower threshold of the below requirements) will need to provide written confirmation from either their employer or the operating company to whose platform they intend to travel that he/ she can:
        • Don and fasten standard Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) approved and marine issue lifejackets over a survival suit
        • Sit in a standard helicopter seat and fasten a three-point harness
        • Comply with any other specific requirements of the employing or operating company
      • If your BMI is found to be above 40 during the assessment, we will require the above written confirmation before an OGUK certificate can be issued. Most offshore survival training centres will be able to assist with the above requirement.
      • Once a confirmation letter is received, a time-limited certificate will be issued, with a requirement for subsequent weight reviews.
      Heart disease (this includes history of heart attack, angina, stent insertion, heart bypass surgery) and offshore
      • Individuals with a history of the above must meet the following criteria:
        • A medical report from the treating physician just be obtained.
        • The individual must have been free of cardiac symptoms for at least 3 months
        • The individual must undertake a Bruce Protocol exercise test (treadmill test) Please use different bullets to differentiate 2 paragraphs
      • A risk factor assessment at subsequent medicals will be carried out. This takes into consideration your age, smoking status, blood pressure, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol results. We recommend that you bring along your latest blood results (total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol level) from your GP to the medical. If you wish to discuss further prior to your medical, please contact Thistle Occupational Health.
      Medications and Offshore
      • Certain medications are unsuitable for offshore without an assessment by an OGUK registered doctor or clearance of Operator Medical Advisor.
        • Some examples of medications not permitted offshore without appropriate medical assessment and clearance include:
          • Insulin
          • Blood thinning medications e.g. warfarin, rivaroxaban, apixaban
          • Epipen
          • Codeine-based painkillers or other strong painkillers e.g. amitriptyline, tramadol, dihydrocodeine, gabapentin, pregabalin
          • Antidepressants or medications to stabilize mood/ treat anxiety symptoms
          • Sleeping tablets (prescribed or over the counter)
        • You must declare all the medications you take at your OGUK medical assessment.
        • If prescribed between medicals you must inform your HR/ Line Manager/ OH department you have medications which may requirement assessment before going offshore.
      I have high blood pressure/ white coat syndrome. Can I go offshore?
      • This is not barred offshore provided that your blood pressure is well-controlled.
      • If you are known to have high blood pressure or white coat hypertension, we encourage you to bring a copy of your recent blood pressure readings (with a stamp from your GP surgery or offshore Medic). This is to prevent any delay in issuing your OGUK certificate if your blood pressure is noted to be high during the medical.
      I have been diagnosed with a mental health condition (e.g. depression, anxiety). Can I go offshore?
      • Having a mental health condition is generally not barred from offshore work. However, this will require assessment by an OGUK examining doctor.
      • The OGUK examining doctor may need to obtain a medical report from your GP/ Psychiatrist.
      • You will need to be stable on medications without side effects for at least four weeks or so.
      • There are certain diagnoses e.g. psychosis which will require specific medical clearance from Operator Medical Advisor.
      Allergies and Anaphylaxis and Offshore
      • If you have had a severe allergic reaction in the past and need to carry an Epipen or similar device, the OGUK examining doctor will require a report from your GP/ Specialist.
      • The examining doctor will also need to obtain medical clearance from the Operator Medical Advisor.
      • If approval is granted, you will be issued with a certificate restricted to the approved installation.
      I have been diagnosed with cancer. Can I go offshore?
      • This will require further assessment by an OGUK registered doctor, who will take into consideration the effect of the cancer on your function and the effect of any treatment.
      • The OGUK examining doctor will likely write to your Specialist for a medical report.
      I have had a stroke/ mini stroke. Can I go offshore?
      • Individuals who have suffered stroke or mini stroke within the past 6 months are not allowed to work offshore.
      • They may be reconsidered after this time if there is a satisfactory clinical recovery.
      • We will require a medical report from your GP/ Specialist.

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